This is my second topic on pimples on how to removed naturally without hurting your face.
While at mall,saw persons with pimples mostly on teens.But don't worry guys,here's a simple tip for you to take care of your face and remove pimples and not to leave a dark spots nor hole in the future.
Which do you prefer (cocos cider vinegar or cococider soap).
If COCOCIDER BATH SOAP,use it in your bath ,same as usual routine when you take a bath.And before sleep at night wash your face with the same soap.You will notice pimples easily ripened and leaved without any marks and will stop the growth of the new ones.Do this everyday.
If COCOS CIDER VINEGAR ,a tbsp mix in 40ml water to your bath,and before sleep at night, one half tsp. for washing your face.This routine is on daily basis.
You feel comfortable and happy on the results,smooth,clean and better.
Hope to help adolescence on this simple method.
Cocos cider vinegar or cococider bath soap has Zn,Mn,Mg,Fe,Ca,anti oxidants and enzyme to nourish and takes care your skin.
COCOS CIDER VINEGAR are on display at Puregold outlets:
or call/tex for delivery inside Metro Manila,
or any provinces in the Philippines through courier or bus station near you plus freight charges.