Sunday, May 26, 2019

My "ANTIDOTE" for almost 17 years

Many of us always work and work for a living.And when ailments attacked ,whole family affected.I suffered almost months battling with pain.
When i  reached 40  i  became health conscious and very selective on food.But  not enough on this attitude,and  more petite for my built  and makes me stress.Thinking my decreasing weight and abnormal habit of eating ,that's the time to make my own antidote for my ailments to removed.

We lived in a circle of life threatening environment,the air we breath associated with pollution,soil and water.Not only human affected but also plants and animals.I am worried for myself and just started the ailments to attacked me.

So when my friend from UAE offered me to  make a research on antidote as a weapon for ailments,i grabbed the opportunity,so we begin the journey,he's in charge for expenses.
Took us 2 years for the lectures,motivation,aspiration,goal and target,preparatory  study and another 5 years for actual research,study and application.What the most difficult was the result outside  the body because people always said that "to see is to believe".Doing this kind of research work consumed 15 years for a fully satisfied study,and beyond that is on" how long the effect",so,this question is on me to answer on my health to focus and when to deteriorate the effect.

Every one afraid to have an ailment/s ,we want to be healthy and strong all the time and we are very careful about the foods to swallowed,strict healthy lifestyle but ailments are always around us.

I tried different aspects of treatments,synthetic and food supplements but no sign of improvement until i made my own antidote for my ailments and after a month diminished some, and for six months all my ailments gone. Thanks to my cococider vinegar from coconut water.

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