Health Benefits of Manganese
- Healthy Bones: Manganese is very essential for proper and normal growth of human bone structure. It is a very effective mineral, which aids in increasing the mineral density of spinal bone, especially so in case of post menopausal women. Most women after post menopause suffer from manganese deficiency.
- Free Radicals: Due to antioxidant properties of manganese, the health benefits of manganese include a special function of controlling the flow of free radicals in human body. These radicals are capable of damaging human cells and thus, manganese control these radicals to prevent any type of damage.
- Sugar Level: Manganese has also exhibited its efficiency in controlling the level of sugar in human blood. This may further prevent the occurrence of certain diseases like diabetes.
- Epilepsy: Low level of manganese can act as a trigger for epileptic seizures. Manganese supplements can aid in controlling the possibility of any minor or major epilepsy seizure.
- Metabolism: Metabolism happens to be one of the vital functions of manganese. Manganese activated enzymes help in metabolism of cholesterol, amino acids as well as carbohydrates. It is also important for the metabolism of Vitamins such as Vitamin E and Vitamin B-1.
- Inflammation and Sprains: Manganese is a widely known remedy for sprains as well as inflammation as it helps in increasing the level of superoxide dismutase resulting in the activity as an antioxidant.
- Preventing Osteoporosis: Manganese supplements are known to relive osteoporosis and osteoarthritis syndrome.
- Alleviating PMS Syndrome: Women are found to suffer from premenstrual syndrome. In such situations, manganese helps to alleviate the mood swings, headaches, depression and irritability to a considerable extent.
- Aids in Vitamin Absorption: Manganese helps absorb vital vitamins like vitamin B and E and minerals likemagnesium.
- Brain and Nervous System: Manganese is essential for healthy functioning of the brain and it is also used to treat specific nervous disorders.
- Glucose Metabolism: Manganese also aids in glucose metabolism in human body. This is one of the most important health benefits of manganese to provide proper resources to different body parts.
- Digestive Track: Manganese is a mineral, which is helpful in maintaining the functioning of digestive track. This further improves the absorption of fat in the process of digestion.
Deficiency Symptoms