Friday, June 8, 2018





                                          THE COCOCIDER, Inc.

                     COCOS CIDER VINEGAR = Iron =165ug/ kg

Health Benefits of Iron

Hemoglobin Formation: Formation of hemoglobin happens to be the chief function of this mineral. Not only that, being a part of hemoglobin, it gives the dark red shade to the blood and also aids in transporting oxygen to the body cells.

Muscle Function: Iron is a vital element for muscle health. It is present in the muscle tissues and helps in supply of oxygen required for contraction of muscles.

Brain Function: Development of brain is also one of the many benefits of iron. Since oxygen supply to blood is aided by iron and brain uses approximately 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly related to brain health and its functions.

Restless Leg Syndrome: Iron deficiency is one of the causes of the restless leg syndrome. Most research on this syndrome has concentrated on iron. Lower level of iron in the blood is a major cause and hence proper intake of iron supplements in required levels as per doctor’s consultation can cure this problem.

Regulation of Body Temperature: Iron is a facilitator for regulating body temperature. An interesting fact is that it has the ability to regulate as per the absorption capacity of the body.

Oxygen Carrier: One of the most important health benefits of iron is that it acts as a carrier of oxygen and thus participates in transferring oxygen from one body cell to other. This is an important function of iron, as oxygen is required by each and every body part to perform routine functions.

Neurotransmitted Synthesis: Iron actively takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, along with serotonin. These chemicals play major role in different activities involving neurons and human brain.

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Iron is helpful in the treatment of severe disorder called iron deficiency anemia, which results due to lack of adequate amount of iron in human body.

Chronic Diseases: The mineral called iron helps in the treatment of chronic disorders like renal failure anemia.

Anemia in Women: Iron may also exhibit its health benefits in curing anemia resulting in women during pregnancy or menstruation.

Predialysis Anemia: It is recommended by health experts that iron qualifies to treat another form of anemia called predialysis anemia. However, one must consult a medical expert to get treatment for this problem.

Fatigue: Health benefits of iron also include eradication of different causes of fatigue, which may occur in men as well as women. Iron deficiency is a natural cause of fatigue since it is an important component of hemoglobin. So, the inclusion of iron in your diet keeps you fit and healthy.

Immune System: Iron also plays a key role in providing strength to the immune system of human body. Thus, the body is made proficient enough to fight against a number of diseases and infections.

Energy Metabolism: Iron is an important spectator of energy metabolism in human body by which, the energy is extracted from the food consumed and distributed to different body parts.

Enzyme Systems: Iron happens to be the most important constituent of different enzyme systems and other important constituents like myoglobin, the cytochromes and catalase.

Insomnia: Iron is also useful in treating insomnia in human body and also improves the sleeping benefits in the life of an individual.

Concentration: Iron, when consumed in sufficient amount in the diet, builds concentration amongst the students and professional people to carry out their work efficiently.
Deficiency Symptoms
Iron deficiency may often cause severe fatigue, body weakness & related health ailments.
People with lack of iron cannot perform normal functions to their best abilities. Women and children need more iron than the male counterparts.
A person with low iron level is likely to be anemic.
Severe iron deficiency may cause progressive skin ailments that may cause brittleness of nails and extra smoothness in tongue area.

Cocos cider vinegar =Zinc  Magnesium  Manganese  Calcium Iron

The Origin

 COCOS CIDER VINEGAR is bottled amid lush coconut plantation uphill the other side of BICOL province,  far flung kilometers from Manila to produce 100 percent pure coconut water from freshly harvested coconuts and at the same time to add distinctive taste and aroma associated with mixtures and other fruits    to be more beneficial for individuals either are you in good health or in pain for some kind of sickness.

Coconut Water ~ What's this???

Coconut water came from the fourth layer of matured seeds (life).Inside is the safest water high in potassium as matures, this serves as a mess our soil, water basin and sea.Water from matured nuts,if process meticulously,become source of hidden "FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH"where most of us ignore the so called"TREE OF LIFE".

As says,"from the earth crust,makes you ill when uplift,and from above makes you      free and happy".

On the other hand, Coconut sap came from the juice of to be bloomed flower of the   coconut ,by cutting/hurting the tip within a day,a juice will come out until increased   within a month a liter/ day ; we do not apply this method,caused we do not want to  hurt any living things,but to help them.

What are the Benefits of Coconut Water?

Coconut water is a refreshing beverage that comes from coconuts. It's a powerhouse of nutrition containing a complex blend of vitamins, minerals,  amino acids,                 carbohydrates, antioxidants, enzymes, health enhancing growth hormones, and other phytonutrients.

Because its electrolyte (ionic mineral) content is similar to human plasma, it has        gained international acclaim as a natural sports drink for oral rehydration. As such,     it has proven superior to commercial sports drinks. Unlike other beverages,  it is        completely compatible with the human body, in so much that it can be infused             directly into the bloodstream. In fact, doctors have used coconut water successfully as an intravenous fluid for over 60 years.

Coconut water’s unique nutritional profile gives it the power to balance body                chemistry, ward off disease, fight cancer, and retard aging. History and folklore credit coconut water with remarkable healing powers, which medical science is now            confirming. Published medical research and clinical observation have shown that      coconut water:

Makes an excellent oral rehydration sports beverage
Aids in exercise performance
Reduces swelling in hands and feet
Aids in kidney function and dissolves kidney stones
Protects against cancer
 Helps balance blood sugar in diabetics
 Provides a source of ionic trace minerals
 Improves digestion
Contains nutrients that feed friendly gut bacteria
Helps relieve constipation
 Reduces risk of heart disease
Improves blood circulation
Lowers high blood pressure
Improves blood cholesterol levels
Helps prevent atherosclerosis
 Prevents abnormal blood clotting
 Possesses anti-aging properties
 Restores strength and elasticity to skin
 Reduces discolored aging spots on skin
 Reduces wrinkles and sagging skin
 Enhances healing of wounds and lesions
 Supports good vision and prevents glaucoma
 Contains potent antioxidants
 Enhances immune function

On display at Puregold branches nationwide.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

About us

"What prompted me to study coconut’s healing properties started 2002 when I have suffered different illnesses such as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Rheumatism,high blood pressure,skin allergies and all of this was gone without taking prescriptive drugs,just only " COCOS CIDER VINEGAR" it has awaken me more desire to learn and research as much as I possibly could, as on a professional level, I dealt with people suffering many different health issues and ailments who look for alternative ways to help them. So then I have come to an idea to produce the  Cocos Cider Vinegar.

  Cocos Cider Vinegar has many curative properties that can cure many types of sickness and ailments, the advantage of cocos cider vinegar is we can use it to bath, to gargle and to cleanse.WHEN DOING THIS EVERYDAY OF YOUR LIFE,you will be satisfied in your life.WHY? It makes you feel young,healthy and happy always,because of minerals,anti oxidants and enzymes associated in the product,and can be sure the true essence of NATURAL for all health benefits far beyond the unexpected, I would love to share what I know as I believe it can make difference in everyday life of many others and continuously doing so to say the truth about the amazing effect of my invented product   COCOS CIDER VINEGAR...."

      Leopoldo Escosio

health benefits

from fermented coconut water

World Trade Center 2018

Meeting with clients(export) in WTC,Phils.on COCOS CIDER VINEGAR)The red shirt is the founder @ 59, BSAgriculture,Agronomy.Started 2002- present on applications in/ out on COCOS CIDER VINEGAR,to know the effectivity,longevity to one' s health and see the differences on how COCOS CIDER VINEGAR gave me unending support on my health.


Diabetes results @3 months

World Trade Center, Philippines



An evidence with psoriasis on how COCOS CIDER VINEGAR works for a month(2008).

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Cocos Cider Vinegar it's main ingredient is coconut water from coconut trees adjascent to the wide array of coconut plantations in Southern Philippines.A natural product that gives you strength and stamina for your daily activities.

For minerals on it like zinc,manganese,magnesium,iron and calcium plus antioxidants and enzyme which helps your body needs.

Because of natural ingredients,this minerals are more beneficial and easily absorb our body without any adverse effect.

Cocos Cider Vinegar are availabe at all leading supermarkets nationwide and only manufactured by THE COCOCIDER,INC.

All Natural products from coconuts

My inventions for about 20 years of study for my daily life. All naturally organic products from coconuts for my health. If you wish to avai...