Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Product Specifications;COCOCIDER BATH SOAP


1.A product of 15 years research and development.
2.Made from organic matured coconut water.
3.Naturally processed .
4.Anti aging,anti wrinkle
5.Prevents skin problems
6.Balances skin color
7.Gives healthy,smooth and glowing skin
8.Protects skin from UV rays
9.Prevents body odor

Email: kapgreenagriproduct@yahoo.com

San Vicente,Camarines Norte,Bicol


Product specifications.COCOCIDER VINEGAR

1. A product of 15 years research and     development.
2.Made of organic matured coconut water.
3.Naturally processed of fermentation at the heart of coconut plantations
4.Can be directly intake for health lifestyle.
5.Antiseptic features.
6.Detoxifying agent
7.Weight loss
8.Can be used as feminine wash
9.Prevents ailments
10. Serves as health protection and prevention

      Zinc = 0.274 mg
      Manganese= 0.154mg
      Iron= 0.165mg

Email: kapgreenagriproduct@ yahoo.com

San Jose St., San Vicente, Camarines Norte,Bicol

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How i wish

"From the earth crust,makes you ill when uplift; and from above makes you free and happy".

We can not ignore this,and it is happening nowadays,because of this energy and fossils,diseases and sickness appearing,continous searching for advance technologies for demand of population.Ignored the effect to human and environment.
That is why i made my own research and study together with the support of my friend abroad,to discover new product for our weakening health.

How i wish i can reach you all, to give a bottle and to detox and cleans you inside after 24 hours; how i wish no more pain and heartbroken individuals for their ailments.

My smart mind was given by our Creator,be simple and barefooted,touched the soil to easily reach by everybody to hear their heartaches,and offer them a shot glass of my invented product.But i am from the fareast "PHILIPPINES".
The product circulated nationwide at PUREGOLD branches and check manufactured by:THE COCOCIDER,Inc.                     

Saturday, June 9, 2018

My actual Experiences

Have you read " nutrition book" 1965 edition?Regarding on coconuts are bad to our health because of high cholesterol level,but they are using as secret ingredient for infant formulas ,(1960 first ed.)

"Stated  that  once the hidden secret of coconuts will be discovered,nation will be rich than the richer".

I read that book 1996, re- read 2002 when i needed a literature to discover my own medicine for my health problems.Continous reading  but due to scarcity of books on coconuts ,some friends abroad sent me literature on health benefits of coconuts.But to my dismayed,no literature at all on matured coconut water.

According to some science nutrition books,coconuts full of antioxidants like lauric acid that makes you younger and strong but on the meat itself,but i am on coconut water.
The coconut water is from the "core" of a seed of coconut and gave life to a nut to produce meat,and most important part is the water itself; water gives life to living things,coconut water give life to a nut to produce meat .

Year 2006 when asked somebody a question on matured coconut water always answered; it is a ordinary water inside matured nuts, as it is .Some say that i'm only in my imagination why my ailments removed.So packed my things went to Abu Dhabi ,UAE .(thanks to my friend who encouraged me to fight,continue and defend my research)together with  books i wanted to read and bought some literature  to other countries and while in abroad i made few bottles for samples for laboratory; physiology and microbiological analysis to see the truth.( big money in doing all of this). Without their financial support,this project will not into a reality.

It was found out that lot's of minerals on it but a little improvement on the process to make it perfect,that year 2008.

What important to me was only MANGANESE inside the bottle.Mineral like manganese can show on how the product be perfect for it's " naturally organic", and it was associated with the enzyme.

I started to intake COCOCIDER VINEGAR 2002 every morning and night,i do not know what will happen to me if it is negative or positive result,what important to me was to know the exact result whether true or false of what written in books that coconuts has a secret for long life. I reached  my goal to stay younger,healthier and strong, i discovered new products from matured coconut water that will serves as my protection and preventions for ailments during my seniority age.

Attached pictures of mine,see the differences,but gray hair will not lie at 59.

Only 2 products of mine from matured coconut water was used; without any use of synthetics for continous monitoring " on how long it preserves my skin and how long will stay the healthiness,strong and stamina,and free from sickness.
COCOCIDER VINEGAR(2002- present)
COCOCIDER BATH SOAP(2014 - present)



Friday, June 8, 2018

Coconut water

Cocos cider vinegar is made of matured coconut water.We used agronomic principles to achieved our commitment to ensure each bottled cocos cider vinegar will have good benefits on each user's that serves as protection and prevention for them to be  healthy and strong. 

What we do is to produced new products for man from matured coconut water that are long been ignored and dumped elsewhere created disaster to human and our environment, instead we do invented new products like cocos cider vinegar and cococider bath soap that became a high quality and excellent products that everybody proud of, we do not want to be competitor for existing food  supply  ,and we do not want to hurt the existing trees but we help growers to uplift their living in order to avoid cutting  their coconut trees.

A good intention from me to us, but without the help of humanity to grab a bottle for them ,this intention in life will not make it to the end. 

Creating/ invent new products without hurting anybody like plants and animals  is hard responsibility together with a goal that products with health benefits to humans.

That is why we arised with the COCOS CIDER VINEGAR and COCOCIDER BATH SOAP from matured  COCONUT WATER   that will make us healthy and strong for it' s minerals content ; manganese,magnesium,iron,calcium,zinc,antioxidants and enzyme.

Photo of me as a proof to everybody that i benefitted of this products.

You can buy the product COCOS CIDER VINEGAR at PUREGOLD nationwide or any inquiries email me at;
      Fb page: cocos cider vinegar/ cococider bath soap





All Natural products from coconuts

My inventions for about 20 years of study for my daily life. All naturally organic products from coconuts for my health. If you wish to avai...