Wednesday, July 10, 2019

From wasted Coconut water into good products....

Number of coconut Fruit bearing trees = 500,000,000

Number of fruits/seeds per tree every 3months harvest = 10 seeds

Total number of fruits/seeds =5,000,000,000

Divided by 4 for other consumptions like green coconuts 1/2,oils from factories 1/2

Equals 725,000,000 ÷4nuts per liter

Equals 181.25 millions of liters of coconut water wasted or equevalent to 2M liters of coconut water per day.They are dumped to our soils,canals,rivers and seas.

What i am emphasized in here is that why not convert into good products out of this coconut water for us and for our environment.

We will used an easy method of processing plant to manufacture the coconut water vinegar and other by products made of coconut water and benefitted us.

But the problem is who will help me to this endeavor for mass production,depleted financially for my long years of research,the govt here wants me to transfer the technology and cooperatives as the front liner which i do not want.

Whoever you are,maybe individual or company or group who wants me to help to this kind of project,just send me a message in my email..

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