Tuesday, July 21, 2015


COCOS CIDER VINEGAR  burns excess fats naturally,to achieved this,drink COCOS after toothbrush in the morning at least 2tbsp.

Before sitting down the table for breakfast,drink 2 tbsp of COCOS CIDER VINEGAR then water and  start, skip your snacks ,avoid soda ,fatty foods ,sugary  and other snacks foods.

At lunch and dinner,30 ml or more of COCOS CIDER VINEGAR each intake and drink a glass of water before start each meal.

In this routine,you can have a good results  to a minimum of 7 pounds on the first week and 4 pounds to  succeeding weeks until reached  your actual  and correct  weight.

Drink at least  8 glasses or more of water daily.On the first day of drinking COCOS CIDER VINEGAR you felt the sleepy mode but avoid that,feel the excessive excretion on the first day or more depending on the person's body and quantity of fats and toxins,you will notice some spotted white stool  and easy to perspire  of all parts of the body and better  to start drinking at night and inside of your house (experience on the first day of drinking) to avoid discomfort,No problem on the next succeeding days on each meals.
For orders:
call/text us = +63 9216713754 alex(MM/provinces)

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