Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Sometimes caused by the used of stronger shampoo and conditioners and some other causes ,and can be reduced if continuously uses COCOS CIDER VINEGAR as a mixture to your daily bath  for it's minerals,anti oxidants and enzymes on it.
A tbsp or two of COCOS CIDER VINEGAR mix with 40 liters of water on your bath,and avoid using high formulated shampoo and conditioners.
Because of it's content,it serves as foods for the root hair ,and makes your hair soft,smooth and shinier for it's antioxidants from COCOS CIDER VINEGAR.It rejuvenate and will lessens falling hair and split ends.
Never used hair colorants that makes your hair irritable and soon became weak and rough.

For orders:
call/text us: +63 9216713754 alex(MM/provinces)

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