Friday, April 17, 2015


Hard assignment for everyone,without even know the basic food to intake,fond of instants and fast foods...

but for me,simple attitude and simple way of life with bottle of cocos cider vinegar and virgin coconut oil is my protection for everyday life.

cocos cider vinegar = one shot during morning and one shot during evening everyday.
virgin coconut oil = 2 tbsp morning,1 tbsp lunch,  1.5tbsp during night

For almost 13 years past,feel healthy and strong and young.That's my secret in life.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754


Everybody don't like to have one;but we are all candidates to have it...

The center of cells is NUCLEUS and contains FATS..

Good fats or saturated fats mostly found in virgin coconut oil that our body needs.

Bad fats are polyunsaturated,transfat  that cancer cell wants..

for healthy individual at least 3.5tbsp of vco everyday

for ailment individuals more than 3.5 tbsp of vco required

for orders:
call/text 09216713754


in reading each labelled product,if it is hard to read DO NOT BUY ....

the best you can do is only know the BASICS......basics are easy to read.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Everyday before taking a bath,applying whole body with cocos cider vinegar is a difficult tasks.I used this routine for 12 year,and without knowing to achieved good skin.

But to think that less people might go through it,and so i made it simply when i perfectly formulated cococider soap into a natural bath soap and the effect is good compared to other commercial soaps.

Before going into commercial,i used it for myself for 8 months and know the effect.

Accomplished exorbitant character of a bath soap,a floating soap,with cleanliness adheres,whitish white in color when in used,hard to melt for a 7 day trial,contains 50% cocos cider vinegar as ingredient.

It preserves youthfulness same as cleopatra's skin when everyday used.Unlike ordinary soaps,cococider soaps removes dead skin and dirt.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754


He worked 18 hours a day or even more,7 days a week but same life without money,instead denies what he felt on his health,and he thought he's superman that ailments no effect on him.

i noticed while driving his car ,feels asleep as early in the morning as if lacked of sleep during night.

he looked ill to his color but lied to me, i presumed suffering  from hypertension then completely ignored.

Then all of sudden hypertension strike on him and rushed to hospital,then findings.....critical nerved burst on his head.

Now looked uprooted hyacinth with no reaction from head to toe on left side,only eyes,elbrow moved vigorously without words to speak,wearing adult diaper.

Before the stroke attacked, he do not want to have a drink of cocos cider vinegar and not to believed for the benefits.

And now looking at me every time i entered his room,as if asking for help and give him a shot of my product without words,but not now on his situation,but maybe a year or so..he's 50 years old..

for orders:
call/text 09216713754

Monday, April 13, 2015


Sometimes ignored,but some turned off and some turned into simple case.

Some are applying lotions on the affected heels but no results at all

Years pass by, while doing my daily routine in bathing with cocos cider vinegar ,my only problem occurred,every time going out with my slippers,i noticed the pain on my sole 'coz of finnier effect,I did not experienced any crack heels.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754


Addictive and 47 chemicals associated,dangerous to our health,but ignored for many..
because of this,a lot of info commercials but not succeeded.
But are you prepared to take the risks if attacked?all of us not ready to face the reality.

If  hooked,at the age of 40,you can face the consequences.From dry cough to lung cancers,from mouth to esophagial cancers.

I started to smoked at 19,from a stick to a pack until a pack an a half per day,every time i used my head,i always make a smoke.

So first thing to do is when to stop and how can eliminate nicotine inside of me,so all of a sudden i'm on my trial for me to research,i begun my trial at 7 pm and started to smoked to finished 2 packs in 6 hours,and a big shot of cocos cider vinegar,after an hour i went to the toilet for urination purposes.i noticed the color of my urine brown in color,for 4 successive urination schedule.

Afraid of it because of the color,but this is only the part of the study of mine regarding the effectivity for lessening nicotine in the body.

I felt dry cough when i'm 40's,every time i controlled,itchiness become stronger until it bursts with sounds.A shameful attitude in front of someone.

If you can not quit smoking because of addiction,try the cocos cider vinegar and see the result.

Continuous intake of cocos cider vinegar will lessen or removed nicotine in the body and at the same time removed dry cough.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Maybe i am blessed or maybe i am selected....

Maybe i am lucky or maybe i am gifted by GOD...

Maybe i am optimistic or maybe i am perfect....

Maybe i am happy or maybe i am not...

The question to myself,until now that i do not know the answer is........

WHO IS ME.......

Decrease weight

After wake up in the morning,brush teeth with cocos cider vinegar,rinse with water and drink a glass of water and have a shot of cocos cider vinegar,take coffee.

Used cococider soap to lighten your skin for bath.

Before taking up your lunch,drink a glass of water before going your first bite of meal,no snacks just only water.

During dinner,same procedure during lunch and a shot of cocos cider vinegar at once.

On the third day,weigh your weight and the results is a minimal deductions.Continue the procedure until satisfied.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754


Sometime my teacher when i was in grade school when no one can answer her question says "use your coconuts".Never in my mind to center my life doing like this,using coconuts all my life.
That in the end,i made this blog because all the results i've done is only centered in one thing,the water in COCONUTS.

Only on my mind,that someday at least 1% of world population be interested with my products(cocos cider vinegar/cococider bath soap) and used it to their daily life with their family to their family and beyond,and make them happy for no reasons to worry about the sickness coz they already prevented.

That someday one will come to realised my work for future references on medical fields of sciences,but one will benefited and some will diminished for the seek of future.

Only coconuts can survived the world of ailments,that ailments created by human,and human affected and to suffer and coconut is the answer.

Why only 1%?

If everyone is interested,principles of commerce affected,no one will die,over population accomplished,principles of agriculture affected,cannibalism occurred.


Introducing cococider soap,natural,less ingredients and 50% of it is made of cocos cider vinegar that makes very gentle to your skin and at the same time preserve your youthful's character upon using it is; from the start less suds rinse,feels the smoothness,and on the second apply more suds occur,means dirt removes,dead skin easily removes.That's the time you feel satisfied,as if you do not want to finished your bat.For preserving smoothness of your skin,better use it in a daily routine  for long lasting effect.And more economical because of it's character hard to melt,one and only bath soap that makes everyone feels satisfied for easily removes dirt,lessens bad odors,acts as cooler in our skin,protects from pollutants,controls wrinkles and warts,allergies,infections lessens sagging,eye bugs,lesion and more.


Our main intention is to have a wide range benefits;from economical and favorable price,hard to melt and 100% totally clean,one of a kind bath soap because it is totally melt for 10 days in the water.

Friday, April 10, 2015

My daily routine

First day in the morning,when i woke up,brushing y teeth with cocos cider vinegar and rinse with water,drink a glass of water,and take a cup of coffee and after that,a shot of cocos cider vinegar then start my breakfast.

When in bath,full water in a pail and then mix it with cocos cider vinegar,then start bath and used cococider soap.

When sometimes feel bad,taking cocos cider vinegar will be doubled,make it tripled when not satisfied with the results.

During lunch if meat consumed,another shot of cocos cider vinegar.Before bedtime a small shot again of cocos cider vinegar.

See how simple application of cocos cider vinegar,a simple application with a big gift to me.Achieved the good health and the results is beyond expectations.


Life is too short,for the reason of you devoted your life to make money 24 hours a day,working day and night,taking foods without any restrictions,going out party as much you can,taking drugs every time you felt simple bad,that's why life is too short.

But for me,life is too long to wait.I am 56 but always i wanted it now to be on my 90's or 100 years old.Why i say this,the way i feel,my actions,think,essences and a lot more as if i'm on my teens years .If you refer to someone the way i look it now,maybe you feel aloof to youself,the first thing you would say is WOW,fined and toned skin as if you only born now.

I am happy for what i discovered,i preserved my skin as young as 22 years old. But people adamantly wanted to become,but felt sorry when they see at me,Hopelessly,wanted to be their skin too.But the problem is,LIFE IS TOO SHORT for them.Waiting the years to come the age of ageing person with lots of ailments,not looking their parameters the secrets in preserving beauty is not enough through needles or in the capsules but within the gift of GOD from the coconut trees,when fully takes care and made it accurately  in theory and principles,it preserves your strenght and above all,your natural beauty during your teenage years,and your golden years will be only your adolescence years.


for orders:
call/text 09216713754

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


From the time of "CLEOPATRA "the goddess of beauty,when she uses vinegar for her daily bath to preserved her beauty to "SOCRATES" when they uses the vinegar for his populace,he ordered to have a drink of vinegar to combat ailments. and now i just only continue the secrets of vinegar and learned from the past eras the uses and helpfullness of vinegar.

COCOCIDER VINEGAR from coconut water naturally fermented that only cider vinegar with minerals,antioxidants and enzymes became extra ordinary.

Looking fountain of youth is hard to find,with the help of advance techniques,turned failure and more destructiveness,occurrence of agressive diseases  and the end,but we can not deny from the fact that we learned from the past or just to follow and continue as you liked.

As for me,i continue from the past,i uses for my daily bath,drink as i could and all of a sudden achieved the unexpected that makes me rich and happy with my health,preserved my youthfullness ,posture and strenght.

As you start drinking cococider vinegar,your main objective is to correct what at the inside and removes the roots,preparing your inner health to become more active and stronger as if you are teenage years ,As years past by,for continuous used,achieved and the youthfulas it could,more agressive and strong,reduces your number of years to a decade.

In the long run, what you feel is like when you are 24 years old,your skin become younger than 22 years old,your posture and actions more active when you are 30 years old.

It will correct your appetite,petiteness on foods that makes you become lean and more attractive.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754

Monday, April 6, 2015


                                                    What is COCOCIDER SOAP? a floating soap

COCOCIDER SOAP is made of cococider vinegar purposely intended for my personal used in order to avoid commercial soap for my daily bath. I used all natural ingredients ,not extracts,i eliminate (colorants,preservatives, enhancers,boosters)and make sodium hydroxide into 11% mixtures.For all of these,i made it perfect for almost 3 months trials and attempts.

The purposed is,to have my own bath soap  naturally true.Unlike commercial bath soaps that has 7 chemicals used to make .

Second purpose is,to have the most effective soap that will takes care of my skin,removes dirt,dead skin,and at the same time most effective for skin disorders.

The bonus is,the soap is now called "THE FLOATING SOAP".hard to melt,trials is makes 15 days in  water that makes totally melt.

for orders:
call/text 09216713754

Monday, October 20, 2014

added twists

COCOS (miracle) cider vinegar:

We added twists to add flavor for those looking somewhat inspiring to all of us,A little bit sour to sweet,and the aroma is like vinegar with a distinctive smell of a fruit.

We have:

COCOS CIDER VINEGAR with mangosteen
COCOS CIDER VINEGAR (plain) coconut water

Just to enhance their flavor and aroma and at the same time,whatever minerals,vitamins,antioxidants from fresh fruits not melted or evaporated during fermentation;be added to the existing minerals,antioxidants,vitamins,enzymes from the coconut cider vinegar plus the fiber left from the fruit itself.

Enhancing my first intention to combat some other inherited ailments by our ancestors passes to our genes,for them to attack us during our golden years.

So try this product of mine and check the difference of what you feel .And barely say it that you will buy more cocos cider vinegar for days to come.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


For the past exhibit  (FOOD & DRINKS FRANCHISING) Sept. 4 - 7,2014 at World Trade Center,Roxas Blvd,Pasay City,i do the job of ordinary promodizer of my product (COCOS CIDER VINEGAR). Discussing and explaining to my beloved clients and customers who  interested about the advantages to have a bottle  on their way home.

I am not an expert promodizer or an speaker but the result for the 4 day exhibit is SATISFACTORY.

To all  people who bought the product and  asked questions for enlightening the good benefits of  COCOS CIDER VINEGAR  a million thanks for the support and encouragement to continue my good intention to broadcast the goodness of my invented product.Hope you will be all benefited in your HEALTH,not only on the taste and aroma,but the real happiness after consuming  in your table  with your loved ones.

On October 9 and 12,  2014, at same venue (World Trade Center,Pasay City).The topic is all about Agriculture and Foods in all categories.

See you there.......and visit our stall  COCOS CIDER VINEGAR.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Coconut cider vinegar with MORINGA (cocos cider vinegar)

Due to demand of Moringa to our clients,we mixed coconut water with fresh moringa leaves during fermentation process.

This mixed variant is now available in outlets and offices in Metro Manila.

150ml = P60
375ml = P80
500ml = P150

AANI herbal products
RASCO malunggay products
Department of Agriculture
Phil. Coconut Authority
Bureau of Agriculture Research

Monday, January 27, 2014


for  inquiries:

cp: 09474600308

address:  Maguindanao,ARMM

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



All Natural products from coconuts

My inventions for about 20 years of study for my daily life. All naturally organic products from coconuts for my health. If you wish to avai...